Monday, December 26, 2011

Boxing Day Shopping

So here in the Great White North (otherwise known as Canada), we have a holiday called BOXING DAY.

According to Wikipedia, the history of Boxing Day is that wealthy families in the UK would give a box containing a gift to their servants on the day after Christmas.

Nowadays, it's the day after Christmas when we have GREAT sales, similar to Black Friday in the United States.

I tend to avoid the mall on this day, although last year DID brave the cold, standing in line outside at the Guess Outlet Store at midnight, waiting for half-priced jeans.

This year, the only store I braved was Michael's Craft Store. GREAT sales on yarn! Many were anywhere from 25-50% discount, PLUS there was a 25% coupon for entire purchase, PLUS teachers get a 10% discount any day.

Here's what I purchased:

I guess I'm settled for a little while! It was tempting not to spend more than the hour that I was in the store.

I heart Boxing Day Sales :)


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